Bree Hope sm

BREE HOPE, M.A Ed, Certified Life Coach, Social Emotional Learning Expert

Child Coaching

For children ages 8-18

Is your child wise beyond their years? Intuitive? Soulful? Sensitive? An empath?

Have they had experiences where you noticed them change?

Where that happy child, you once knew, seemed to be more withdrawn, less enthusiastic about life, more fearful and anxious to be themselves?

It’s not just a stage in the development process.

This is what happens when the education system and classroom become too big to truly meet each child where they are at. When society asks students to take numerous tests to measure their intelligence when most kids have multiple intelligences that aren’t being activated.

As a certified educator, social-emotional consultant for K-12 schools,  life coach, and spiritual guide, I coach kids to come back to their true nature. I aid them to heal from limiting beliefs placed on them, social situations that have caused harm, and challenges they have faced academically that have led to low self-worth. In short, I teach them to remember who they are so they always feel free, in alignment, and living in JOY.

Conscious Parent Happy Family


Week 1

What is energy: All kids know what energy is but they don’t always have the language to describe what they feel. This is the first step to empowerment.

Week 2

Becoming aware when you feel the most like you. Distinguishing the things that block them from being themselves.

Week 3

Everything is energy. Where does energy show up? In the Body. Giving them tools to feel where they are blocked versus expansive in the body (slumped shoulder, pain in leg, etc).

Week 4

Does this energy belong to me? Determining where the energy came from. Kids are like sponges, they absorb everything. Teaching your child to determine where the energy came from so they can return it and transform themselves to come back into alignment.

Week 5

Healing from the past. (bullying, name calling, overhearing a fight between parents, something scary they saw on TV, all the fear from the news, etc). Anything that they are holding onto.

Week 6

Healing and education on the science and why they are intrinsically very powerful beings. How they can always trust themselves.

Week 7

How to reconnect to themselves. Positive programming. Action to shift and enhance their light no matter what the external circumstances are. Tapping into their own knowledge. Inner sanctuary and spiritual cloak.

Week 8

Activating your dreams.

Your child will have full access to videos, meditations, weekly tasks, and support from me at all days during these 8 weeks. They will each receive a journal so they can continue to write what comes up so that they can feel fully connected and celebrated for who they are.

Bree Hope Workshops for Children

I guarantee that at the end of these 8 weeks your child will…

Be a whole new person

Have the lightness that you used to experience when they were very young.

Be empowered. They will have confidence and feel and Know that they can do anything.

Have the language to describe what they feel, perceive, and need.

Feel at home wherever they go.

Trust themselves, their knowing.

Book a Child Session Have improved behavior, grades, and listening skills.

Book a Conscious Parent Session Remember who they are and always be in alignment with Life.

Book A Child


Adolescent Workshop

Bree Hope Children Workshops

Child Coaching Workshop FAQ’s

How will spiritual coaching and social-emotional tools help my child?

Spiritual coaching and social-emotional tools will help your child because underneath everything, that is the foundation of who we are as humans. We are spirit, soul, and we came here to connect. However, what we often see is putting kids in the system where we cover that innate part of us. That is where we start to see challenges. What is going on in our world and how we are navigating life and education to make kids fit into an old system, it is not meeting their needs and the needs as soul. All kids come in with higher frequency than the adults around them. Think about the light they shine and how when others seen them, everything just melts.

My role and goal is to bring them back into this. Anchor it. From this place, that is where all magic happens. That is where freedom comes in, healthy relationships, grades, and their ability to name what they are feeling. Most children I work with haven’t been taught the names and words for what they are feeling. They haven’t been taught to be fully in their bodies or how to move energy.

I give them the foundation to always know they are light. Every kid is intuitive, wise, and knows energy but then they forget. I teach them how their intuition works and once you have that knowing you have everything. 

What does academic success have to do with social-emotional learning/soul??

We are going through a huge crisis, pushing our children through a system that doesn’t work. We all know that. Once you are connected with spirit you can navigate everything in this 3D reality, even sitting in class reading an outdated history book or taking the SSATs that may not even be needed in a few years.

Students learn about responsibility and how to be in this world while also being true to their soul. Social-emotional and spiritual teachings also teach children how to use information so it meets and fits in with their soul, how to transmute outdated energy, acknowledge their feelings in every situation (mastery), all from a place of empowerment. This is what makes them into our next future leaders. 

What does my child need to participate?

A sacred quiet space, their creativity, and imagination!

How come children under the age of 8 cannot participate?

The subconscious is still being formed until the age of 8. Under the age of 8 children’s’ minds are still being formed and strongly connected to the parents, especially Mom.

What you feel and experience, they feel and experience. So, if you want to see change in the behavior, up until your child is 8, you can clear any energy or limited belief or pattern that you have put on your child.

During this time 0-7 they absorb everything and mirror you. It is only you that can do this work, I can be your guide.