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Soul-Led Conscious Parenting
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Bree Hope’s Book Reviews


Conscious Loving: 

This book changed my life and helped me to see even greater patterns and subconscious limiting beliefs I’ve held in relationships with both friends and romantic partners. I recommend this book if you want to upgrade to a new paradigm of your relationships. This also applies to the relationship you have with your children and helps you to see your inner child and how you formed beliefs as a child (providing insight into how children think). The Hendricks are therapists who share stories of their clients’ patterns, behaviors, awareness and how they support them to shift their communication and step out of co-dependent behavior. I had a deeper understand of co-dependent behaviors versus co-commited behaviors and how to communicate with others so that both parties feel seen and heard. The amount of shifts and breakthroughs I had that I didn’t even realize I was still playing out from my childhood of needing to be sick or seen as the problem, was life-changing. I recommend anyone doing the parenting workshop read this to improve your relationship with your partner, parents, and children.  


The Way of the Superior Man:

I was told about this book years ago when I wanted to attract my Divine Masculine partner. Reading this book helped me to understand why I was so triggered by the men that I dated and the type of man that I wanted to be with, one that is centered in the divine masculine who takes action, blah blah blah. My take-away from this book is different from most. This book taught me how to be more whole. The author shares that your true essence is how you like to be in bed, do you dominate or do you like to be dominated. To be honest, I found much of the language to be triggering but I did realize I like being feminine. I just haven’t been with men who let me be that and so I felt resentment. I also know that all humans have both masculine and feminine. Sometimes my feminine can be too in my head, need to talk something out, emotional. I don’t want a man to come a fix it, I want a man to hold me and make me feel loved. I have always wanted to feel whole on my own and knew that I never wanted my other half, I want another whole. I practiced many of the things David Deida shared on myself, allowing my masculine to love my feminine. And allow my feminine to love my masculine. As a result, I am way more grounded and whole.


This book was so illuminating. I recommend it to anyone looking to heal co-dependent patterns or understand why they push others away. I also recommend to any and all parents as it shows how to raise children who are secure. Also, how to instill secure attachment even if you are avoidant or have an anxious attachment style. It speaks a lot about the nervous system and the connection you have with your mother. As you can see, I love reading books that help me to learn more about the whys of my behavior. The more awareness I have, the easier it is for me to move energy and heal old wounds. Attached provided such profound insight into my way of being and connecting with others. It showed me why I am more anxious in connection and why I would attract men and even friends that would continually show me where I haven’t healed. Highlighting my mother wound. I also love that it teaches you familiarize yourself with secure relationships, which may seem boring to the drama and thrill of the anxious-avoidant style or relating.

The Dance of Anger:

This book was a game changer for me! I recommend it to anyone but especially women who feel that they still hold a lot of anger. I learned a lot about the programming of women and why it is in our programming to believe we can’t be angry or to suppress our anger. This book also shows real life examples of how we do not always see our children and how big milestones for them can bring up old wounds for us. The reason why I said this book was a game changer was it gave me a huge awareness that a lot of the time I fight with my partner or act out in ways that are not healthy are because it is exactly what my mother would do. I realized that I continued the dance of anger so I could always be connected with my mother and feel connected to her, like – “I am my mothers daughter.” Long after my Mom was in my life I was still creating situations that reminded me of her, just so I could feel like we were one. It was crazy how much I processed, grieved, and healed. How I was able to choose a new way of being because of this book.

Anna, Grandmother of Jesus:

Not only is this an incredible book and shares many esoteric teachings and divine knowledge, this book shares a lot about sensitive children. This book is channeled and so what I know about channeled books is that it is important to absorb the energy but not to take the information as facts. If a being channels and is not enlightened the information provided is subject to interpretation. That being said, the energy that is shared when you get a feeling for how Jesus was as a boy, how irritated and troubled he was by the energy and chaos happening around him with the Romans and the Jews, it speaks to much of what we are experiencing in society today. This is why I am here on the planet. I know that many children, all children are feeling the shift and it is uncomfortable. Whether they watch the news or not, they feel it all. The tips they teach Jesus on how to transmute energy is power. Also, in this book they speak of the challenges of puberty and helping kids to feel their grief and release their anger. It’s truly a beautiful story and not at all religious. 


I Remember Union:

Another powerful story of that time. This story is about fulfilling one’s soul purpose and remembering why we have come here. This is the story of Mary Magdalene. Again, this story is channeled and recommended that you absorb the energy/Shakti and not take the words as Truth. This book is written in the most beautiful poetic way. You will see that much of Mary’s experience mirrors what is happening in our world and the balance of the feminine and masculine energies. This book, which I read often, teaches me to stay true to myself, to be love, to forgive. One of my favorite parts of the book is when she supports an older woman to give birth to a soul that has come to offer much light and teach people to merge with the soul. I know that when we are born, most of us forget who we are and where we come from. This book taught me how to anchor the light in so children always feel connected with Source, their Soul.


Consolations by David Whyte:

One of the most beautiful works of Poetry I have ever read. He writes so beautifully about everyday words and gives you a greater understanding of each word that connects you with a higher source. The way I read this book is similar to how I read most channeled or spiritual books: I either flip to any page and see what my soul and body want me to become aware of. Similar to tarot or angels cards. Or, I may feel an energy but be unsure of how to dig deeper or let the root emotion come up and I find the word and read that excerpt. This book of poetry brings me home every single time. Its beautiful and another great tool to do the work.


Stalking the Wild Pendulum:

If you want to learn about consciousness, spirituality, Quantum Mechanics, our Universe, etc. Buy this book. There is no other way I can say it, it shows the science of how we are all connected and that energy is real. How you can put two grandfather clocks face to face, showing different times on each clock and it will eventually sync to show the same time. This is energy and provides scientific proof how we are all connected and impacted by each others field. How we absorb energy and others energy without even being aware. 


A Brief Tour of Higher Consciousness:

This book changed my life and brought me into another dimension of myself. A place where I have been many times but where I was consciously able to go because of the book and the images. It is all about Quantum, Quantum Physics, Mechanics, Laws of the Universe. I love this author because he explored this unknown topics with such humility. My favorite thing I learned which I love and have taken is the authors phrase, “I am ignorant because I am only speaking from my current state of consciousness.” Proving, that all of us are ignorant. Our truth continues to change and expand and can never be the eternal Truth (capital T) as we only speak from what we know and tomorrow what we know may change. I love authors who explore higher dimensions and spirituality with such childlike playful innocence. I totally recommend if you are into learning new states of being and learning ancient hindu culture with an easy cosmic strip layout (his word – cosmic strip /aka comic strips not mine, see he is so adorable in his writing). You will soon see, adorable/cute is the highest compliment you can receive from me.  



The Little Soul and The Sun:

 If you’ve ever read Conversations with God (another amazing Channeled book written by the same author), then I recommend you read this childrens book. It teaches not only children but adults how we came to be here as souls, how we chose certain players to play out a drama on planet earth all so we can heal and evolve. This book helped me heal many years ago when I didn’t understand how anyone could have harmed me. I realized that I was loved and the reason behind all the players and lessons in my Life. It teaches forgiveness. I’d recommend reading it for yourself and with your children. It can help them see a bigger picture during a great upset. The energy is very high in this book.


bree hope conscious parenting coach

Written By Bree Hope

I am a certified elementary teacher, with a Masters degree in TESOL K-12. I hold a certification in strategic interventions and life coaching and I am a spiritual intuitive healer and empath.

In 2018, I worked with a company and wrote a Social-emotional guide to support schools over the US to meet students needs. I’ve led nearly 100 workshops focusing on social-emotional learning, self care, trauma, restorative practices. I’ve loved every minute of it.

Let’s raise children that don’t have to heal from their childhoods. This is my gift and service to the world. If you’d like me to guide you, please schedule an appointment today. I am here for you. 


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